Australian Fungi Name Index (AFNI)
The Fungi Names Project will build on the existing Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi (ICAF) housed at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, to produce a list of all names applied to Australian fungi, arranged under the currently accepted name. For this project, 'fungi' includes both the true fungi and fungoid organisms in the Protista and Chromista. The fungi list will be the first compilation of the known fungi from Australia for more than 60 years, and is expected to include the names of around 8,000 accepted species of non-lichenised fungi.
Agaricus colpeteorum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Arcangeliella seminuda ( Massee & Rodway) Zeller & C.W.Dodge
, legitimate , scientific
Cribbea A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
, legitimate , scientific
Cribbea gloriosa ( D.A.Reid) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
, legitimate , scientific
Cribbea lamellata ( J.W.Cribb) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
, legitimate , scientific
Cribbea reticulata ( J.W.Cribb) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
, legitimate , scientific
Cribbea turbinospora P.S.Catches. & T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium balpineum Grgur.
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium bisporum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium clavatum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium flavovirens T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium luteobrunneum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium macrocystidium T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium megasporum ( Rodway) T.Lebel & Castellano
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium phymatodisporum G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium pisiglareum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium polychromum Trappe & Claridge
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium rodwayi ( Massee) A.H.Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium seminudum ( Massee & Rodway) T.Lebel & Castellano
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium sessile ( Massee & Rodway) Singer & A.H.Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium shultziae T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium sparsum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium theodoroui T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium trappei T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Cystangium xanthocarpum T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Elasmomyces rodwayi ( Massee) Zeller
, legitimate , scientific
Elasmomyces sessilis ( Massee & Rodway) Rodway
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces boranupensis T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces clelandii T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces costatisporus T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces eburneus T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces eildonensis G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces furcatispinus T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces glarea T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces longisporus T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces megasporus Rodway
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces pallidus Massee & Rodway
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces pterospermus T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces redolens ( G.Cunn.) Pfister
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces rodwayi T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces seminudus Massee & Rodway
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces westresii T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Gymnomyces wirrabarensis Grgur.
, legitimate , scientific
Martellia redolens ( G.Cunn.) G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Octaviania megaspora ( Rodway) G.Cunn.
, legitimate , scientific
Octaviania pallida ( Massee & Rodway) G.Cunn.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Octaviania redolens G.Cunn.
, legitimate , scientific
Octaviania seminuda ( Massee & Rodway) G.Cunn.
, legitimate , scientific
Oudemansiella gloriosa ( D.A.Reid) T.Lebel & T.W.May
, legitimate , scientific
Oudemansiella reticulata ( J.W.Cribb) T.Lebel & T.W.May
, legitimate , scientific
Oudemansiella turbinispora ( P.S.Catches. & T.Lebel) T.Lebel & T.W.May
, legitimate , scientific
Russula aurantirosea T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula balpinea ( Grgur.) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula bispora ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula boranupensis ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula clavata ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula collubrina T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula costatispora ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula eburnea ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula eildonensis ( G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula furcatispina ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula glarea ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula leonardii T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula longispora ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula luteobrunnea ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula macrocystidia ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula megaspora ( Rodway) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula olivaceoflava T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula osphranticarpa T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula paneeroides T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula phymatodispora ( G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula pisiglarea ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula pterosperma ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula rodwayi ( Massee) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula seminuda ( Massee & Rodway) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula sessilis ( Massee & Rodway) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula shultziae ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula sparsa ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula theodoroui ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula trappei ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula westresii ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula wirrabarensis ( Grgur.) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Russula xanthocarpa ( T.Lebel) T.Lebel
, legitimate , scientific
Secotium gloriosum D.A.Reid
, legitimate , scientific
Secotium lamellatum J.W.Cribb
, legitimate , scientific
Secotium reticulatum J.W.Cribb
, legitimate , scientific
Secotium rodwayi Massee
, legitimate , scientific
Secotium sessile Massee & Rodway
, legitimate , scientific
Stephanospora hystrispora T.Lebel & Castellano
, legitimate , scientific