Cystangium polychromum Trappe & Claridge
, legitimate, scientific
[Trappe, J.M. & Claridge, A.W. (2003), Australasian sequestrate (truffle-like) fungi.15. New species from tree line in the Australian alps. Australasian Mycologist 22 (1)]:
[tax. nov.]
"HOLOTYPE: [Australia] New South Wales: Kosciuszko National Park, Guthega, Mt Blue Cow, J. Trappe 25050, l.iv.2000 (MEL; isotypes OSC 80790 and DAR). PARATYPES: New South Wales: Kosciuszko National Park, Guthega, Mt Blue Cow, J. Trappe 24996, 6.i.2000 (MEL) and 24999 (DAR and OSC 80839); Kangaroo Ridge SW of Charlotte Pass, J. Trappe 27500, 3.iv.2002; Mount Guthrie, J. Trappe 25002, 6.L2000 (MEL, CANB); Smiggin Holes, J. Trappe 24986, 14.xii.1999 (MEL); Nungatta State Forest, unnamed track 1.9 km NE of junction of Nungatta and Poole Roads, A.W. Claridge AWC1368, 1.x. 1996 (DAR). Victoria: East Gippsland, Errinundra National Park, junction of Aspen Battery Track and Goonmirk Rocks Road, W. Colgan III, AWC 4003, 26.V.2001 (CANB)."
"Greek poly- (many) and -chromum (coloured), in reference to the yellow, red, purplish red and dark reddish purple colours that may occur on the peridium."
[Lebel, T. (10 November 2017), Nomenclatural changes and corrections for some previously described Australasian truffle-like fungi (Basidiomycetes). Muelleria 36]:
[replaced synonym]
replaced synonym of:
Russula collubrina T.Lebel
[AusFungi (2019), AusFungi 21 Jan. 2019]:
[secondary reference]