Cribbea turbinospora P.S.Catches. & T.Lebel , legitimate, scientific
Lebel, T. & Catcheside, P.S. (2009), The truffle genus Cribbea (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 22: 48, figs. 9A–E, 10A–F, 11A–C [tax. nov.]
  • Type: “Holotypus: [Australia] SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Karte Conservation Park, near Pinnaroo in bare, sandy soil (35°05’24”S, 140°44’12”E; 116 m), P.S. & D.E.A. Catcheside PSC 1590, 16 July 2003, (holotypus-AD; isotypus-MEL, Kew).”
  • Text: DNA sequence: from holotype: GenBank FJ178109 (ITS).
  • Etymology: “The specific epithet relates to the whirl- or spindle-like spore ornamentations, from Latin: turbo-inis m. = an eddy, whirling pool, a spindle; spora = a spore.”
Lebel, T. (10 November 2017), Nomenclatural changes and corrections for some previously described Australasian truffle-like fungi (Basidiomycetes). Muelleria 36: 9 [basionym]
basionym of: Oudemansiella turbinispora (P.S.Catches. & T.Lebel) T.Lebel & T.W.May legitimate
AusFungi (2019), AusFungi 21 Jan. 2019: - [secondary reference]