Stephanospora hystrispora T.Lebel & Castellano , legitimate, scientific
Lebel, T., Castellano, M.A. & Beever, R.E. (30 December 2014), Cryptic diversity in the sequestrate genus Stephanospora (Stephanosporaceae: Agaricales) in Australasia. Fungal Biology 119: 213, figs 9A-B, 10A-B AFL [tax. nov.]
  • Type: “TYPE: AUSTRALIA: VICTORIA, Lind National Park, Princes Highway, 1.7 km E of Lind Park Rd, Claridge Site 76, AJ. Giachini AWC4176, 28 May 2001 (MEL2135830).”
  • Text: Identifier: MB 815980 [incorrectly cited as: MB 809846]
  • Etymology: “From Latin, hystrix meaning ‘prickly’ and spora meaning ‘spores’, in reference to the fine spore ornamentation of spiny ridges and spines.”
Lebel, T. (10 November 2017), Nomenclatural changes and corrections for some previously described Australasian truffle-like fungi (Basidiomycetes). Muelleria 36: 14 [secondary reference]
  • Text: identifier: MB 815980
  • Text: "Mycobank (accessed 13 Dec 2016) states: “WARNING: due to a databasing error, the same Mycobank number (MB809846) was wrongly attributed to Stephanospora hystrispora (MB915980), Stephanospora kanuka (MB915981) and Phyllosticta carochlae (MB915982). All the three names are therefore validly published but a new MB number is attributed to them. Mycobank takes full responsibility for this issue."