AFNI NSL statistics
- Services Version: 1.0236
- Names: 24756
- Names with instances: 24664
- References: 7924
- Authors: 7003
- Instances of name usage: 54291
- Name type stats: (5)
- [scientific, 24120]
- [informal, 599]
- [phrase name, 34]
- [autonym, 2]
- [named hybrid, 1]
- Name status stats: (15)
- [legitimate, 23348]
- [nom. inval., 976]
- [nom. illeg., 219]
- [orth. var., 78]
- [[n/a], 66]
- [[unknown], 18]
- [nom. superfl., 13]
- [sanctioned, 8]
- [nom. inval., pro syn., 7]
- [nom. inval., nom. prov., 6]
- [isonym, 5]
- [nom. inval., nom. nud., 5]
- [unavailable, 4]
- [nom. rej., 2]
- [nom. cons., 1]
- Name rank stats: (20)
- [Species, 19807]
- [Genus, 3266]
- [Family, 611]
- [Variety, 578]
- [Order, 185]
- [Class, 64]
- [Form, 63]
- [[unknown], 44]
- [Subspecies, 42]
- [Subclass, 22]
- [Division, 22]
- [Subdivision, 21]
- [Suborder, 9]
- [Subgenus, 9]
- [Section, 5]
- [Kingdom, 3]
- [Special form, 2]
- [Superspecies, 1]
- [Subfamily, 1]
- [Domain, 1]
- Instance type stats: (17)
- [tax. nov., 16668]
- [secondary reference, 15294]
- [comb. nov., 7403]
- [basionym, 5869]
- [nomenclatural synonym, 3968]
- [taxonomic synonym, 2669]
- [synonym, 2012]
- [primary reference, 139]
- [replaced synonym, 76]
- [orthographic variant, 75]
- [nom. nov., 72]
- [comb. et stat. nov., 25]
- [misapplied, 11]
- [nom. et stat. nov., 4]
- [doubtful taxonomic synonym, 3]
- [autonym, 2]
- [pro parte taxonomic synonym, 1]
- Recent name updates: (10)
- [Name 60020125: Choiromyces aboriginus Trappe, 2025-02-12 22:00:39.803402, tmay]
- [Name 60020110: Choiromyces aboriginum Trappe, 2025-02-12 21:53:13.758132, tmay]
- [Name 60145255: Reddellomyces westraliensis (G.W.Beaton & Malajczuk) Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk, 2025-02-12 21:21:45.904679, tmay]
- [Name 60145216: Elderia arenivaga (Cooke & Massee) McLennan, 2025-02-12 19:04:40.557683, tmay]
- [Name 60022984: Amanitina nivalis Cleland, 2025-02-11 06:56:34.141601, tmay]
- [Name 60145174: Marasmius "aff. tenuissimus", 2025-02-10 22:27:29.613531, tmay]
- [Name 60145169: Marasmius "aff. tangerinus", 2025-02-10 22:15:36.985433, tmay]
- [Name 60145157: Marasmius ruforotula Singer, 2025-02-10 22:04:48.76335, tmay]
- [Name 60145151: Androsaceus nigrobrunneus Pat., 2025-02-10 21:56:59.209559, tmay]
- [Name 60145148: Marasmius nigrobrunneus (Pat.) Sacc., 2025-02-10 21:54:53.365453, tmay]
- Recent reference updates: (10)
- [Reference 60145152: (Paper); Contributions a la flore mycologique du Tonkin. II (1891); Author 60000736: Patouillard, N.T.; Reference 60006579: (Journal); Journal de Botanique (Morot) (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-10 21:59:20.528946, tmay]
- [Reference 60145097: (Book); A field guide to Tasmanian fungi (null); Author 60145113: Gates, G. & Ratkowsky, D.; , 2025-02-10 13:03:10.746055, tmay]
- [Reference 60145051: (Paper); Phylogenetic reassessment of Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs occurring on Eucalyptus (null); Author 60145052: Crous, P.W., Groenewald, J.Z., Mansilla, J.P., Hunter, G.C. & Wingfield, M.J.; Reference 60006826: (Journal); Studies in Mycology (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-06 22:03:27.634167, tmay]
- [Reference 60144982: (Paper); Large-scale generation and analysis of filamentous fungal DNA barcodes boosts coverage for kingdom fungi and reveals thresholds for fungal species and higher taxon delimitation (2019); Author 60144981: Vu, D., Groenewald, M., de Vries, M., Gehrmann, T., Stielow, B., Eberhardt, U., Al-Hatmi, A., Groenewald, J.Z., Cardinali, G., Houbraken, J., Boekhout, T., Crous, P.W., Robert, V. & Verkley, G.J.M.; Reference 60006826: (Journal); Studies in Mycology (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-05 15:03:51.40158, tmay]
- [Reference 60144916: (Paper); Untangling horsehair fungi in Australia: Marasmius crinis‑equi (Marasmiaceae) and related taxa (27 Sep. 2024); Author 60144915: Guard, F.E., Dearnaley, J., May, T.W. & Lebel, T.; Reference 60006688: (Journal); Mycological Progress (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-04 14:56:51.709542, tmay]
- [Reference 60144853: (Paper); Phylogenetic relationships among species and genera of Lycoperdaceae based on ITS and LSU sequence data from north European taxa (2008); Author 60144852: Larsson, E. & Jeppson, M.; Reference 60006689: (Journal); Mycological Research (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-03 13:19:22.901846, tmay]
- [Reference 60011556: (Paper); New species of Americam fungi (1876); Author 60004111: Thümen, F. von. ; Reference 60006490: (Journal); Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-02 19:17:39.547758, tmay]
- [Reference 60010564: (Section); Iconographia mycologica, Amanitaceae (1941); Author 60002195: Gilbert, E.-J.; Reference 60144816: (Book); Iconographia Mycologica (Suppl. 1) (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-02 18:06:34.645859, tmay]
- [Reference 60144817: (Section); Amanitaceae. Fasc. III. Tabulae. (1941); Author 60002195: Gilbert, E.-J.; Reference 60144816: (Book); Iconographia Mycologica (Suppl. 1) (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-02 18:05:56.217932, tmay]
- [Reference 60011494: (Section); Iconographia mycologica, Amanitaceae (1940); Author 60002195: Gilbert, E.-J.; Reference 60144816: (Book); Iconographia Mycologica (Suppl. 1) (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-02-02 18:05:28.505226, tmay]
- Recent author updates: (10)
- [Author 60145113: Gates, G. & Ratkowsky, D., 2025-02-10 13:02:50.348095, tmay]
- [Author 60145098: Gates, G.M. & Ratkowsky, D.A., 2025-02-08 12:05:26.789736, tmay]
- [Author 60145052: Crous, P.W., Groenewald, J.Z., Mansilla, J.P., Hunter, G.C. & Wingfield, M.J., 2025-02-06 22:02:56.711522, tmay]
- [Author 60144999: Guard, F.E., Laidlaw, E., Lebel, T. & Dearnaley, J., 2025-02-05 18:01:34.669809, tmay]
- [Author 60144981: Vu, D., Groenewald, M., de Vries, M., Gehrmann, T., Stielow, B., Eberhardt, U., Al-Hatmi, A., Groenewald, J.Z., Cardinali, G., Houbraken, J., Boekhout, T., Crous, P.W., Robert, V. & Verkley, G.J.M., 2025-02-05 15:02:49.769908, tmay]
- [Author 60144917: Guard, F.E., Albert-Mitchell, O., Lebel, T., & Dearnaley, J., 2025-02-04 15:04:21.874489, tmay]
- [Author 60144915: Guard, F.E., Dearnaley, J., May, T.W. & Lebel, T., 2025-02-04 14:53:49.384316, tmay]
- [Author 60144852: Larsson, E. & Jeppson, M., 2025-02-03 13:18:01.520204, tmay]
- [Author 60144555: Zhao, R.L. & Li, J.X., 2025-02-02 23:01:20.044135, tmay]
- [Author 60144550: Hazslinszky von Hazslin, F.A., 2025-01-27 16:22:19.229466, tmay]
- Recent instance updates: (10)
- [Inst 60059783: Name 60020124: Mattirolomyces mulpu Kovács, Trappe & Claridge; secondary reference, 2025-02-13 17:53:00.024292, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 60145222: Name 60020109: Elderia arenivaga (Cooke & Massee) McLennan ex Trappe, Kovács & Claridge; secondary reference, 2025-02-13 17:53:00.024292, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 60059777: Name 60020109: Elderia arenivaga (Cooke & Massee) McLennan ex Trappe, Kovács & Claridge; secondary reference, 2025-02-13 17:53:00.024292, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 60145272: Name 60020125: Choiromyces aboriginus Trappe; secondary reference, 2025-02-12 22:00:21.593321, tmay]
- [Inst 60145271: Name 60020111: Stephensia arenivaga Cooke & Massee; basionym, 2025-02-12 21:48:59.076987, tmay]
- [Inst 60145261: Name 60033109: Labyrinthomyces westraliensis G.W.Beaton & Malajczuk; nomenclatural synonym, 2025-02-12 21:24:34.401828, tmay]
- [Inst 60145260: Name 60145255: Reddellomyces westraliensis (G.W.Beaton & Malajczuk) Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk; secondary reference, 2025-02-12 21:24:34.355579, tmay]
- [Inst 60145259: Name 60033109: Labyrinthomyces westraliensis G.W.Beaton & Malajczuk; nomenclatural synonym, 2025-02-12 21:24:19.160159, tmay]
- [Inst 60145258: Name 60033109: Labyrinthomyces westraliensis G.W.Beaton & Malajczuk; basionym, 2025-02-12 21:23:48.143898, tmay]
- [Inst 60145257: Name 60145255: Reddellomyces westraliensis (G.W.Beaton & Malajczuk) Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk; secondary reference, 2025-02-12 21:23:09.425952, tmay]
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