AFNI NSL statistics
- Services Version: 1.0236
- Names: 24725
- Names with instances: 24634
- References: 7916
- Authors: 6990
- Instances of name usage: 54004
- Name type stats: (5)
- [scientific, 24091]
- [informal, 599]
- [phrase name, 32]
- [autonym, 2]
- [named hybrid, 1]
- Name status stats: (15)
- [legitimate, 23324]
- [nom. inval., 974]
- [nom. illeg., 217]
- [orth. var., 77]
- [[n/a], 64]
- [[unknown], 18]
- [nom. superfl., 13]
- [sanctioned, 8]
- [nom. inval., pro syn., 7]
- [nom. inval., nom. prov., 6]
- [isonym, 5]
- [nom. inval., nom. nud., 5]
- [unavailable, 4]
- [nom. rej., 2]
- [nom. cons., 1]
- Name rank stats: (20)
- [Species, 19786]
- [Genus, 3262]
- [Family, 607]
- [Variety, 578]
- [Order, 184]
- [Class, 63]
- [Form, 63]
- [[unknown], 44]
- [Subspecies, 42]
- [Division, 22]
- [Subclass, 22]
- [Subdivision, 21]
- [Suborder, 9]
- [Subgenus, 9]
- [Section, 5]
- [Kingdom, 3]
- [Special form, 2]
- [Superspecies, 1]
- [Subfamily, 1]
- [Domain, 1]
- Instance type stats: (17)
- [tax. nov., 16654]
- [secondary reference, 15114]
- [comb. nov., 7399]
- [basionym, 5860]
- [nomenclatural synonym, 3925]
- [taxonomic synonym, 2639]
- [synonym, 2014]
- [primary reference, 137]
- [orthographic variant, 75]
- [replaced synonym, 72]
- [nom. nov., 71]
- [comb. et stat. nov., 25]
- [misapplied, 9]
- [nom. et stat. nov., 4]
- [doubtful taxonomic synonym, 3]
- [autonym, 2]
- [pro parte taxonomic synonym, 1]
- Recent name updates: (10)
- [Name 60143997: Phomachora eucalypti Syd., 2025-01-19 16:45:52.243939, tmay]
- [Name 60143994: Phomachora Petr. & Syd., 2025-01-19 16:38:14.7932, tmay]
- [Name 60143980: Pseudocercospora hoveae (Syd.) K.Schub. & U.Braun, 2025-01-19 15:52:41.182831, tmay]
- [Name 60143976: Cladosporium hoveae Syd., 2025-01-19 15:41:15.776533, tmay]
- [Name 60143972: Parodiella perisporioides f. tasmanica Theiss. & Syd., 2025-01-19 13:13:48.465188, tmay]
- [Name 60017373: Actinomyxa australiensis Syd., 2025-01-19 12:59:01.430615, tmay]
- [Name 60143962: Labyrinthulomycetes Dicks., 2025-01-19 08:57:57.505914, tmay]
- [Name 60013155: Thraustochytriida, 2025-01-19 08:49:45.224925, tmay]
- [Name 60143958: Thraustochytriales Sparrow, 2025-01-19 08:47:15.264575, tmay]
- [Name 60143932: Schiffnerula alphitoniae (Syd.) S.Hughes, 2025-01-18 23:57:48.037797, tmay]
- Recent reference updates: (10)
- [Reference 60143996: (Paper); Kritisch-systematische Originaluntersuchungen über Pyrenomyzeten, Sphaeropsideen und Melanconieen (null); Author 60000748: Petrak, F. & Sydow, H.; Reference 60006339: (Journal); Annales Mycologici (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-19 16:44:22.747379, tmay]
- [Reference 60143979: (Paper); Taxonomic revision of the genus Cladosporium s. lat. 1. Species reallocated to Fusicladium, Parastenella, Passalora, Pseudocercospora and Stenella (2005); Author 60000772: Schubert, K. & Braun, U.; Reference 60006688: (Journal); Mycological Progress (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-19 15:50:47.688933, tmay]
- [Reference 60010499: (Paper); Biodiversity in the Cladosporium herbarum complex (Davidiellaceae, Capnodiales), with standardisation of methods for Cladosporium taxonomy and diagnostics (2007); Author 60003833: Schubert, K., Groenewald, J.Z., Braun, U., Dijksterhuis, J., Starink, M.S., Hill, C.F., Zalar, P., Hoog, G.S. de & Crous, P.W.; Reference 60006826: (Journal); Studies in Mycology (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-19 15:45:23.422, tmay]
- [Reference 60010280: (Paper); Taxonomic revision of the genus Cladosporium s. lat. 2. Morphotaxonomic examination of Cladosporium species occurring on hosts of the families Bignoniaceae and Orchidaceae (2004); Author 60000772: Schubert, K. & Braun, U.; Reference 60006829: (Journal); Sydowia (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-19 15:45:09.628824, tmay]
- [Reference 60143973: (Paper); Die Gattung Parodiella (1917); Author 60000738: Theissen, F. & Sydow, H.; Reference 60006339: (Journal); Annales Mycologici (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-19 13:12:43.074951, tmay]
- [Reference 60143935: (Chapter); Pleomorphy in some hyphopodiate fungi (1987); Author 60000795: Hughes, S.J.; Reference 60143933: (Book); Pleomorphic Fungi. The Diversity and Its Taxonomic Implications (1987); Author 60143934: Sugiyama, J.; , 2025-01-19 00:05:05.882996, tmay]
- [Reference 60143933: (Book); Pleomorphic Fungi. The Diversity and Its Taxonomic Implications (1987); Author 60143934: Sugiyama, J.; , 2025-01-19 00:02:30.175763, tmay]
- [Reference 60143496: (Paper); The genus Cortinarius should not (yet) be split (2024); Author 60143497: Gallone, B., Kuyper, T.W. & Nuytinck, J.; Reference 60082223: (Journal); IMA Fungus (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-14 15:17:35.285505, tmay]
- [Reference 60007780: (Paper); Fungi Australienses (1903); Author 60003463: Hennings, P.; Reference 60006559: (Journal); Hedwigia (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-12 15:46:18.364192, tmay]
- [Reference 60012639: (Paper); Myriangium mirabile P Henn. n. sp., sowie Bemerkungen über verschiedene andere Arten der Myriangiaceen (1902); Author 60003463: Hennings, P.; Reference 60006559: (Journal); Hedwigia (null); Author 60006295: -; , 2025-01-12 15:46:04.153884, tmay]
- Recent author updates: (10)
- [Author 60143934: Sugiyama, J., 2025-01-19 00:02:10.610884, tmay]
- [Author 60143682: Oliveira, J.S., Desjardin, D.E. & Moncalvo, J.-M., 2025-01-16 21:58:32.336083, tmay]
- [Author 60143497: Gallone, B., Kuyper, T.W. & Nuytinck, J., 2025-01-14 15:17:14.861632, tmay]
- [Author 60143388: Zeng, X.Y., Hongsanan, S. & Hyde, K.D., 2025-01-13 23:07:50.928897, tmay]
- [Author 60143365: Lücking, R., Nelsen, M.P. & Hyde, K.D., 2025-01-13 22:53:38.65441, tmay]
- [Author 60005679: Hariot, P., 2025-01-10 16:01:21.75149, tmay]
- [Author 60142978: Mapook, A., Boonmee, S. & Hyde, K.D., 2025-01-08 00:19:18.1589, tmay]
- [Author 60142290: Oehl, F. & Sieverding, E., 2025-01-05 22:49:02.941837, tmay]
- [Author 60142289: Błaszkowski, J., Sánchez-García, M., Goto, B.T. & Magurno, F., 2025-01-05 22:48:04.61385, tmay]
- [Author 60142274: Sjökvist, E., Larsson, E., Pfeil, B.E. & Larsson, K.-H., 2025-01-05 22:26:04.422343, tmay]
- Recent instance updates: (10)
- [Inst 60052717: Name 60031995: Ustilago condigna Syd.; tax. nov., 2025-01-20 17:42:26.970215, tmay]
- [Inst 60144091: Name 60013275: Zoopagales Bessey ex R.K.Benj.; secondary reference, 2025-01-20 13:06:39.673667, tmay]
- [Inst 60144090: Name 60013275: Zoopagales Bessey ex R.K.Benj.; secondary reference, 2025-01-20 13:06:32.260744, tmay]
- [Inst 60144061: Name 60015138: Rhodocollybia Singer; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:32:37.513039, tmay]
- [Inst 60144060: Name 60015138: Rhodocollybia Singer; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:32:29.646662, tmay]
- [Inst 60144057: Name 60015136: Omphalotus Fayod; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:31:53.879982, tmay]
- [Inst 60144056: Name 60015136: Omphalotus Fayod; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:31:42.060567, tmay]
- [Inst 60144053: Name 60015131: Lentinula Earle; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:31:04.24039, tmay]
- [Inst 60144052: Name 60015131: Lentinula Earle; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:30:55.832518, tmay]
- [Inst 60144051: Name 60015303: Ceratosebacina P.Roberts; secondary reference, 2025-01-19 21:25:07.873025, tmay]
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