Agaricus colpeteorum T.Lebel , legitimate, scientific
Lebel, T. (29 December 2012), Two new species of sequestrate Agaricus (section Minores) from Australia. Mycological Progress 12: 702 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Type: Australia: Victoria. Neds Corner Station, SW corner of property near State Forest, 24 Nov. 2011, T.Lebel TL2424, HOLOTYPE (MEL)."
  • Text: DNA sequence: from holotype: GenBank JX984565 (ITS); from other collection: GenBank JX984566 (ITS), JX984564 (ITS).
  • Text: Identifier: MB801763
Lebel, T. (10 November 2017), Nomenclatural changes and corrections for some previously described Australasian truffle-like fungi (Basidiomycetes). Muelleria 36: 14 [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Published as A. colpetei T.Lebel, Mycological Progress 12 (4): 702 (2012). MB#801763. As the epithet refers to two people, it should be plural genitive."
AusFungi (2025), AusFungi: - AFL [secondary reference]