Fungi Name Index (FNI)
The Fungi Names Project will build on the existing Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi (ICAF) housed at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, to produce a list of all names applied to Australian fungi, arranged under the currently accepted name. For this project, 'fungi' includes both the true fungi and fungoid organisms in the Protista and Chromista. The fungi list will be the first compilation of the known fungi from Australia for more than 60 years, and is expected to include the names of around 8,000 accepted species of non-lichenised fungi.
Amanita subremota ( Cooke & Massee) A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Camarophyllopsis darwinensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Camarophyllus aurantiopallens E.Horak
, legitimate , scientific
Entoloma porphyrium ( Berk. & Broome) A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe anomala A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe aurantiocampanula A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe aurantiopallens ( E.Horak) A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe aurantipes A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe austrolutea A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe badioclavata A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe batesii A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe bubalinoviscida A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe cerasinomutata A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe chromoxantha A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe conica var. tierneyi A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe cystidiorubra A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe dorothyae A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe dromedensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe erythrocala A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe flammans ( Berk.) A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe hayi A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe iropus A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe kandora Grgur. & A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe lawsonensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe leucogloea A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe lewelliniae ( Kalchbr.) A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe lilacinoviridis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe luteoconica A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe minutula var. nanangensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe pallida ( E.Horak) A.M.Young
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Hygrocybe pseudograminicolor A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe reesiae A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe rodwayi ( Massee) A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe rubrolutea A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe sanguineocrenulata A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe siccitatopapillata A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe sylvaria A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe taekeri A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe tidbillensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe unispora A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe vallomarginata A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe viridiconica A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe watagensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe wilsonensis A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrocybe woodii A.M.Young
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus flammans Berk.
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus lewelliniae Kalchbr.
, legitimate , scientific
pallidus E.Horak
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus porphyrius Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus rodwayi Massee
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus subremotus Cooke & Massee
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus viridis G.Stev.
, legitimate , scientific