Australian Fungi Name Index (AFNI)
The Fungi Names Project will build on the existing Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi (ICAF) housed at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, to produce a list of all names applied to Australian fungi, arranged under the currently accepted name. For this project, 'fungi' includes both the true fungi and fungoid organisms in the Protista and Chromista. The fungi list will be the first compilation of the known fungi from Australia for more than 60 years, and is expected to include the names of around 8,000 accepted species of non-lichenised fungi.
Agaricus baileyi Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Agaricus baileyi Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Agaricus semiliber Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Agaricus sordulentus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Agaricus versipes Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Ascobolus baileyi Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Boletus haedinus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Cladosporium papyricola Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Clavaria portentosa Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Corticium bambusicola Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Dacrymyces sacchari Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Daedalea incompta Berk.
, legitimate , scientific
Daedalea scalaris Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Dictyophora multicolor Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Gloeosporium cucurbitarum Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Hydnangium australiense Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Hydnum merulioides Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Hygrophorus porphyrius Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Hypoxylon concentricum var. minus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Illosporium flavellum Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Lentinus catervarius Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Lentinus exasperatus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Lentinus punctaticeps Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Melampsora nesodaphnes Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Melampsora phyllodiorum Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Merulius baileyi Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Merulius tenuissimus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Panus incandescens Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Panus suborbicularis Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Panus viscidulus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Peziza coprogena Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Phallus calyptratus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Phallus quadricolor Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Phillipsia subpurpurea Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus contrarius Berk. & M.A.Curtis
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus dorcadideus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus elongatus var. stipitatus Berk. & Broome
, nom. inval. , scientific
Polyporus eriophorus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus gallopavonis Berk. & Broome ex Cooke
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus guilfoylei Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus lineatoscaber Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus luteo-olivaceus var. tenuis Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus ochroflavus ( Cooke) Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Polyporus testudo Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Sistotrema irpicinum Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Sphaeria polyscia Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Sphaeropsis tricorynes Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Stereum radiatofissum Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Stereum simulans Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Stereum spongiipes Berk.
, legitimate , scientific
Thelephora spongiipes ( Berk.) Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Tilletia epiphylla Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Trametes ochroflava Cooke
, legitimate , scientific
Trametes rigida var. tenuis Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotus albidus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotus proximus Berk. & Broome
, legitimate , scientific