
A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Li, J.X., Cao, B., Phurbu, D., He, M.Q., Zhu, X.Y., Parra, L.A. & Zhao, R.L. (2024), The revision of the taxonomic system of Lycoperdaceae. Mycosphere 15(1) : 4919–5016 (Paper) Li, J.X., Cao, B., Phurbu, D., He, M.Q., Zhu, X.Y., Parra, L.A. & Zhao, R.L. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Abstoma G.Cunn.
  2. Apioperdon (Kreisel & D.Krüger) Vizzini
  3. Apioperdon pyriforme (Schaeff.) Vizzini
  4. Arachnion Schwein.
  5. Bovista Pers.
  6. Bovista pusilla (Batsch) Pers.
  7. Bovistella Morgan
  8. Bovistella utriformis (Bull.) Demoulin & Rebriev
  9. Calvatia Fr.
  10. Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós
  11. Calvatia craniiformis (Schwein.) Fr.
  12. Calvatia cyathiformis (Bosc) Morgan
  13. Calvatia gigantea (Batsch) Lloyd
  14. Disciseda Czern.
  15. Globaria Quél.
  16. Globaria aestivalis (Bonord.) Hazsl.
  17. Globaria furfuracea (Schaeff.) Quél.
  18. Handkea Kreisel
  19. Holocotylon Lloyd
  20. Holocotylon dermoxanthum (Lloyd) R.L.Zhao & J.Xin Li
  21. Lycoperdiscus R.L.Zhao & J.Xin Li
  22. Lycoperdiscus lividus (Pers.) R.L.Zhao & J.Xin Li
  23. Lycoperdon Pers.
  24. Lycoperdon curtisii Berk.
  25. Lycoperdon dermoxanthum Vittad.
  26. Lycoperdon lividum Pers.
  27. Lycoperdon perlatum Pers.
  28. Lycoperdon pratense Pers.
  29. Morganella Zeller
  30. Morganella purpurascens (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Kreisel & Dring
  31. Morganella subincarnata (Peck) Kreisel & Dring
  32. Vascellum F.Šmarda
  33. Vascellum curtisii (Berk.) Kreisel
  34. Vascellum pratense (Pers.) Kreisel

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