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Hyde, K.D., Noorabadi, M.T., Thiyagaraja, V. et al. (2024), The 2024 Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 15(1) : 5146–6239 (Paper) Hyde, K.D., Noorabadi, M.T., Thiyagaraja, V. et al. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Abrothallales Pérez-Ort. & Etayo
  2. Abrothallus De Not.
  3. Achrochaeta Réblová & Hern.-Restr.
  4. Acremoniopsidaceae M.Li, Raza & L.Cai
  5. Acremoniopsis A.Giraldo, Gené & Guarro
  6. Acrodontium de Hoog
  7. Acrophialophora Edward
  8. Agaricaceae
  9. Agaricales
  10. Agaricineae Fr.
  11. Aleurocystis Lloyd ex G.Cunn.
  12. Allelochaeta Petr.
  13. Alternariaster E.G.Simmons
  14. Amanitaceae
  15. Amauroderma Murrill
  16. Amaurohydnum Jülich
  17. Amauromyces Jülich
  18. Ambrosiella Brader ex Arx & Hennebert
  19. Amphinema P.Karst.
  20. Amphisphaeriales D.Hawksw. & O.E.Erikss.
  21. Amylocorticiaceae Jülich
  22. Amylocorticiales K.H.Larss., Manfr. Binder & Hibbett
  23. Amylostereaceae
  24. Amylostereum Boidin
  25. Anaeromyces Breton, Bernalier, Dusser, Fonty, B.Gaillard & J.Guillot
  26. Anaeromycetaceae Doweld
  27. Annellolacinia B.Sutton
  28. Anteagloniaceae K.D.Hyde, J.K.Liu & A.Mapook
  29. Anteaglonium Mugambi & Huhndorf
  30. Anthracophyllum Ces.
  31. Antrodiella Ryvarden & I.Johans.
  32. Apioperdon (Kreisel & D.Krüger) Vizzini
  33. Aposphaeria Berk.
  34. Aquaticola W.H.Ho, K.M.Tsui, Hodgkiss & K.D.Hyde
  35. Archaeosporales C.Walker & A.Schüssler
  36. Arkoola J.Walker & Stovold
  37. Arrhenia Fr.
  38. Arxiella Papendorf
  39. Ascodichaenaceae
  40. Aseroe Labill.
  41. Asproinocybe R.Heim
  42. Asterinaceae Hansf.
  43. Asterinales M.E.Barr ex D.Hawksw. & O.E.Erikss.
  44. Asterostroma Massee
  45. Atelocauda Arthur & Cummins
  46. Atheliales
  47. Atractiella Sacc.
  48. Aurantiosacculus Dyko & B.Sutton
  49. Austeria Miettinen
  50. Australosphaerella Videira & Crous
  51. Austrolentinus Ryvarden
  52. Austropostia B.K.Cui & Shun Liu
  53. Backusella Hesselt. & J.J.Ellis
  54. Backusellaceae K.Voigt & P.M.Kirk
  55. Bahusutrabeeja Subram. & Bhat
  56. Bartalinia Tassi
  57. Basidiobolales
  58. Basidioradulum Nobles
  59. Batrachochytriaceae Doweld
  60. Batrachochytrium Longcore, Pessier & D.K.Nichols
  61. Beltrania Penz.
  62. Beltraniaceae Nann.
  63. Berggrenia Cooke
  64. Berkeleyomyces W.J.Nel, Beer, T.A.Duong & M.J.Wingf.
  65. Biatoropsis Räsänen
  66. Bjerkandera P.Karst.
  67. Blastocladiales H.E.Petersen
  68. Blyttiomyces A.F.Bartsch
  69. Bolbitiaceae
  70. Boletales
  71. Boletus L.
  72. Brevistachys L.Lombard & Crous
  73. Buckleyzymaceae Q.M.Wang, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  74. Buckleyzymales R.L.Zhao & K.D.Hyde
  75. Bulleribasidiaceae Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  76. Byssocorticiaceae Jülich
  77. Byssocorticium Bondartsev & Singer
  78. Byssomerulius Parmasto
  79. Caecomyces J.J.Gold
  80. Caecomycetaceae R.A.Hanafy, Yan Wang, Stajich, C.J.Pratt, N.H.Youssef & Elshahed
  81. Callistosporiaceae Vizzini, Cons., M.Marchetti & P.Alvorado
  82. Callistosporium Singer
  83. Calyptella Quél.
  84. Camarophyllopsis Herink
  85. Campanella Henn.
  86. Campanellaceae J.S.Oliveira, Desjardin & Moncalvo
  87. Campylomyces Nakasone
  88. Cantharellaceae J.Schröt.
  89. Cantharellus Adans. ex Fr.
  90. Caryospora De Not.
  91. Catenochytridium Berdan
  92. Catenomycetales Doweld
  93. Cephaliophora Thaxt.
  94. Ceratocoma Buriticá & J.F.Hennen
  95. Ceratocystidaceae Locq. ex Réblová, W. Gams & Seifert
  96. Ceriporia Donk
  97. Ceriporiopsis Domański
  98. Cerrena Gray
  99. Cerrenaceae Miettinen, Justo & Hibbett
  100. Chaconiaceae Cummins & Y.Hirats.
  101. Chaetomella Fuckel
  102. Chaetomellaceae
  103. Chaetomellales Crous & Denman
  104. Chaetothyriomycetidae
  105. Chloridium Link
  106. Choanephora Curr.
  107. Chromocyphella De Toni & Levi
  108. Circinella Tiegh. & G.Le Monn.
  109. Circinellaceae H.Zhao, Y.C.Dai, B.K.Cui, F.Wu, Yuan Yuan & X.Y.Liu
  110. Cirsosia G.Arnaud
  111. Cladochytriaceae
  112. Cladochytriales Mozl.-Standr.
  113. Cladosporiaceae Chalm. & R.G.Archibald
  114. Cladosporiales Abdollahz. & Crous
  115. Cladosporium Link
  116. Clathraceae Chevall.
  117. Clathrus P.Micheli ex L.
  118. Clavariaceae Chevall.
  119. Clavariineae Olariaga, Huhtinen, Læssøe, J.H.Petersen & K.Hansen
  120. Clavicorona Doty
  121. Clavulicium Boidin
  122. Clavulina J.Schröt.
  123. Clavulinaceae
  124. Climacocystaceae B.K.Cui, Shun Liu & Y.C.Dai
  125. Climacocystis Kotl. & Pouzar
  126. Clitocybaceae Vizzini, Cons. & M.Marchetti
  127. Clitocybe (Fr.) Staude
  128. Clitocybula (Singer) Singer ex Métrod
  129. Coelomomycetaceae Couch
  130. Coleosporiaceae
  131. Collybia (Fr.) Staude
  132. Coltricia Gray
  133. Coltriciaceae Jülich
  134. Colus Cavalier & Séchier
  135. Complexipes C.Walker
  136. Conchomyces Overeem
  137. Conidiobolaceae B.Huang, Stajich & K.T.Hodge
  138. Conidiobolus Bref.
  139. Copelandia Bres.
  140. Coprotaceae U.Lindem. & Van Vooren
  141. Coprotus Kimbr. & Korf
  142. Cortinariaceae R.Heim ex Pouzar
  143. Coryneliomycetidae A.R.Wood, Damm, J.Z.Groenew., Cheew. & Crous
  144. Cotylidia P.Karst.
  145. Craterellus Pers.
  146. Crepidotaceae (S.Imai) Singer
  147. Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude
  148. Cronartium Fr.
  149. Crossopsora Syd. & P.Syd.
  150. Crossopsoraceae Aime & McTaggart
  151. Crucibulum Tul. & C.Tul.
  152. Crustoderma Parmasto
  153. Cryptococcaceae Kütz. ex Castell. & Chalm.
  154. Cryptococcus Vuill.
  155. Cyathus Haller
  156. Cyclocybe Velen.
  157. Cylindriaceae Crous & L.Lombard
  158. Cylindrium Bonord.
  159. Cylindrochytridium Karling
  160. Cymatoderma Jungh.
  161. Cynodonia Y.P.Tan & P.Wong
  162. Cyphellaceae
  163. Cyphellopsidaceae Jülich
  164. Cystoderma Fayod
  165. Cystofilobasidiaceae
  166. Cystofilobasidiales
  167. Cystopsora E.J.Butler
  168. Cystostereaceae
  169. Cytidia Quél.
  170. Dacryobolaceae Jülich
  171. Dacryobolus Fr.
  172. Davidsoniella Beer, T.A.Duong & M.J.Wingf.
  173. Dawsomyces Döbbeler
  174. Deconica (W.G.Sm.) P.Karst.
  175. Delicatula Fayod
  176. Dendrothele Höhn. & Litsch.
  177. Densospora McGee
  178. Densosporaceae Desirò, M.E. Sm., Bidartondo, Trappe & Bonito
  179. Derxomyces F.Y.Bai & Q.M.Wang
  180. Descolea Singer
  181. Diaporthomycetidae Senan., Maharachch. & K.D.Hyde
  182. Dichostereum Pilát
  183. Diplomitoporus Domański
  184. Diplophlyctis J.Schröt.
  185. Dipodascaceae
  186. Dipodascales M.Groenew., Hittinger, Opulente & A.Rokas
  187. Disaeta Bonar
  188. Dissoconiaceae Crous & de Hoog
  189. Dissoconium de Hoog, Oorschot & Hijwegen
  190. Distononappendiculata F.Liu, L.Cai & Crous
  191. Dothideaceae
  192. Dothideomycetidae
  193. Dothiora Fr.
  194. Echidnodes Theiss. & Syd.
  195. Echinodontiaceae
  196. Eidernor Y.P.Tan & Bishop-Hurley
  197. Elmerina Bres.
  198. Endochytriaceae Sparrow ex D.J.S.Barr
  199. Endogonaceae Paol.
  200. Endogonales
  201. Endoraeciaceae P.Zhao & L.Cai
  202. Endoraecium Hodges & D.E.Gardner
  203. Entolomataceae
  204. Entomophthorales
  205. Entrophospora R.N.Ames & R.W.Schneid.
  206. Entrophosporaceae Oehl & Sieverd.
  207. Entrophosporales Błaszk., Sánchez-García, B.T.Goto & Magurno
  208. Eremithallales Lücking & Lumbsch
  209. Erythrobasidiaceae Denchev
  210. Erythrobasidiales R.Bauer, Begerow, J.P.Samp., M.Weiss & Oberw.
  211. Erythrobasidium Hamam., Sugiy. & Komag.
  212. Erythromyces Hjortstam & Ryvarden
  213. Eurotiomycetidae
  214. Exosporium Link
  215. Fayodiaceae Jülich
  216. Filobasidiaceae L.S.Olive
  217. Filobasidiales Jülich
  218. Fistulinaceae Lotsy
  219. Flabellophora G.Cunn.
  220. Flagelloscypha Donk
  221. Flammeascoma Phookamsak & K.D.Hyde
  222. Flammula (Fr.) P.Kumm.
  223. Flammulaster Earle
  224. Flaviporus Murrill
  225. Funalia Pat.
  226. Galerina Earle
  227. Galeropsidaceae Singer
  228. Gamarada D.J.Midgley & Tran-Dinh
  229. Ganoderma P.Karst.
  230. Ganodermataceae (Donk) Donk
  231. Geastrales
  232. Geopyxis (Pers.) Sacc.
  233. Geotrichum Link
  234. Gerronema Singer
  235. Gigasporaceae
  236. Gigasporales S.P.Gautam & U.S.Patel
  237. Gliophorus Herink
  238. Gloeoporus Mont.
  239. Gloioxanthomyces Lodge, Vizzini, Ercole & Boertm.
  240. Gloniales Jayasiri & K.D.Hyde
  241. Gomphales
  242. Goplana Racib.
  243. Grammotheleaceae Jülich
  244. Grifola Gray
  245. Grifolaceae Jülich
  246. Gymnogaster J.W.Cribb
  247. Gymnopilus P.Karst.
  248. Gymnopus (Pers.) Roussel
  249. Haddowia Steyaert
  250. Hadrosporium Syd.
  251. Halomassarina Suetrong, Sakay., E.B.G.Jones, Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm. & C.L.Schoch
  252. Hannaella F.Y.Bai & Q.M.Wang
  253. Hapalopilus P.Karst.
  254. Harpellales
  255. Hebeloma (Fr.) P.Kumm.
  256. Hemileia Berk. & Broome
  257. Henningsomyces Kuntze
  258. Heterotruncatella F.Liu, L.Cai & Crous
  259. Hirschioporaceae Y.C.Dai, Yuan Yuan & Meng Zhou
  260. Hirschioporus Donk
  261. Hispidocalyptella E.Horak & Desjardin
  262. Hoehnelomycetaceae Jülich
  263. Humidicutis (Singer) Singer
  264. Hydnaceae Chevall.
  265. Hydnangiaceae Gäum. & C.W.Dodge
  266. Hydropus Kühner ex Singer
  267. Hygrocybaceae (Padamsee & Lodge) Vizzini, Cons. & P.Alvarado
  268. Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm.
  269. Hygrophoraceae
  270. Hygrophorineae Aime, Dentinger & Gaya
  271. Hymenogaster Vittad.
  272. Hymenogastraceae Vittad.
  273. Hyphoderma Wallr.
  274. Hyphodermataceae Jülich
  275. Hyphodiscaceae Ekanayaka & K.D.Hyde
  276. Hypochniciaceae J.H.Dong & C.L.Zhao
  277. Hypochnicium J.Erikss.
  278. Hypocreomycetidae
  279. Hysterangiales
  280. Ileodictyon Tul. ex M.Raoul
  281. Incrustoporiaceae Jülich
  282. Inocybaceae
  283. Irpex Fr.
  284. Irpicaceae Spirin & Zmitr.
  285. Ischnoderma P.Karst.
  286. Ischnodermataceae Jülich
  287. Itersonilia Derx
  288. Junewangia W.A.Baker & Morgan-Jones
  289. Junewangiaceae J.W.Xia & X.G.Zhang
  290. Junghuhnia Corda
  291. Karlingiomyces Sparrow
  292. Kirschsteiniotheliales Hern.-Restr., R.F.Castañeda, Gené & Crous
  293. Lachnella Fr.
  294. Lachnocladiaceae D.A.Reid
  295. Lachnocladium Lév.
  296. Lacustromyces Longcore
  297. Laetiporaceae Jülich
  298. Laetiporus Murrill
  299. Laricifomitaceae Jülich
  300. Laternea Turpin
  301. Latoruaceae Crous
  302. Laurilia Pouzar
  303. Lecanoromycetidae
  304. Lembosia Lév.
  305. Lembosiaceae Hosag.
  306. Lembosiniella Crous
  307. Lentinula Earle
  308. Lepista (Fr.) W.G.Sm.
  309. Leptoporus Quél.
  310. Leptosporomyces Jülich
  311. Leucangium Quél.
  312. Lichenoconiaceae Diederich & Lawrey
  313. Lichenomphaliaceae (Lücking & Redhead) Vizzini, Cons. & P.Alvarado
  314. Lobulomycetales D.R.Simmons
  315. Loreleia Redhead, Moncalvo, Vilgalys & Lutzoni
  316. Lulworthiomycetidae Dayar., E.B.G.Jones & K.D.Hyde
  317. Lycoperdaceae Chevall.
  318. Lyomyces P.Karst.
  319. Lyophyllaceae
  320. Lysuraceae Corda
  321. Lysurus Fr.
  322. Macrocybe Pegler & Lodge
  323. Macrocystidia Joss.
  324. Macrocystidiaceae Kühner
  325. Macrohyporia I.Johans. & Ryvarden
  326. Macrotyphula R.H.Petersen
  327. Malacaria Syd.
  328. Malassezia Baill.
  329. Malasseziaceae Denchev & R.T.Moore
  330. Mamillisphaeria K.D.Hyde, S.W.Wong & E.B.G.Jones
  331. Marasmiaceae
  332. Marasmiineae Aime, Dentinger & Gaya
  333. Maravalia Arthur
  334. Marthamyces Minter
  335. Marthamycetaceae Baral, Lantz, Hustad & Minter
  336. Marthamycetales P.R.Johnst. & Baral
  337. Massariaceae
  338. Melanoleuca Pat.
  339. Melanoleucaceae Locq. ex Vizzini, Cons. & P.Alvarado
  340. Melaspileaceae Walt. Watson
  341. Meliolales
  342. Meliolomycetidae
  343. Merismodes Earle
  344. Meruliporia Murrill
  345. Metacampanella R.H.Petersen
  346. Metraria Cooke & Massee
  347. Microbotryum Lév.
  348. Microsphaeropsis Höhn.
  349. Microstroma Niessl
  350. Microstromataceae Jülich
  351. Microstromatales R.Bauer & Oberw.
  352. Milesina Magnus
  353. Milesinaceae Aime & McTaggart
  354. Moniliella Stolk & Dakin
  355. Moniliellaceae Q.M.Wang, F.Y.Bai & Boekhout
  356. Moniliellales Q.M.Wang, F.Y.Bai & Boekhout
  357. Monoblastiaceae
  358. Monoblastiales Lücking, M.P.Nelsen & K.D.Hyde
  359. Monoblepharidaceae A.Fisch.
  360. Monoblepharis Cornu
  361. Mrakiaceae Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  362. Mucoraceae
  363. Mucorales Dumort.
  364. Multiclavula R.H.Petersen
  365. Muscinupta Redhead, Lücking & Lawrey
  366. Muyocopronaceae K.D.Hyde
  367. Muyocopronales Mapook, Boonmee & K.D.Hyde
  368. Mycenella (J.E.Lange) Singer
  369. Mycoarctium K.P.Jain & Cain
  370. Mycocalia J.T.Palmer
  371. Mycocaliciomycetidae
  372. Mycosphaerellales (Nannf.) P.F.Cannon
  373. Naemacyclus Fuckel
  374. Naematelia Fr.
  375. Naemateliaceae Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  376. Naetrocymbaceae
  377. Naganishia Goto
  378. Naucoria (Fr.) P.Kumm.
  379. Neolentinus Redhead & Ginns
  380. Neopestalotiopsis Maharachch., K.D.Hyde & Crous
  381. Neozygitaceae
  382. Neozygitales Humber
  383. Nia R.T.Moore & Meyers
  384. Niaceae Jülich
  385. Nidula V.S.White
  386. Nidularia Fr.
  387. Nidulariaceae Dumort.
  388. Nigrofomes Murrill
  389. Nigrofomitaceae Jülich
  390. Nigroporus Murrill
  391. Notholepiota E.Horak
  392. Nowakowskiella J.Schröt.
  393. Nowakowskiellaceae Sparrow ex Mozl.-Standr.
  394. Nyssopsora Arthur
  395. Nyssopsoraceae Sanj.Yadav & Raghv.Singh
  396. Oligoporus Bref.
  397. Oliveonia Donk
  398. Oliveoniaceae P.Roberts
  399. Olpidiales Caval.-Sm.
  400. Omphaliaster Lamoure
  401. Omphalina Quél.
  402. Omphalinaceae Vizzini, Cons. & M.Marchetti
  403. Omphalotaceae Bresinsky
  404. Omphalotus Fayod
  405. Ostropomycetidae
  406. Otidea (Pers.) Bonord.
  407. Otideaceae Eckblad
  408. Pallidohirschioporus Y.C.Dai, Yuan Yuan & Meng Zhou
  409. Panaceae Miettinen, Justo & Hibbett
  410. Panaeolina Maire
  411. Panaeolopsis Singer
  412. Panaeolus (Fr.) Quél.
  413. Panus Fr.
  414. Papulosaceae Winka & O.E.Erikss.
  415. Parabambusicolaceae Kaz.Tanaka & K.Hiray.
  416. Paramyrothecium L.Lombard & Crous
  417. Paraphaeosphaeria O.E.Erikss.
  418. Parodiellaceae Theiss. & Syd. ex M.E.Barr
  419. Patellaria Pers.
  420. Peniophoraceae Lotsy
  421. Pericladiaceae Vánky
  422. Pericladium Pass.
  423. Phacidiaceae Fr.
  424. Phacidiales C.E.Bessey
  425. Phacidiopycnis Potebnia
  426. Phaeocollybia R.Heim
  427. Phaeodothis Syd. & P.Syd.
  428. Phaeolaceae Jülich
  429. Phaeolus (Pat.) Pat.
  430. Phaeomarasmius Scherff.
  431. Phaffia M.W.Mill., Yoney. & Soneda
  432. Phallales
  433. Phellorinia Berk.
  434. Phlyctorhiza A.M.Hanson
  435. Phomatospora Sacc.
  436. Phomatosporaceae Senan. & K.D.Hyde
  437. Phomatosporales Senan., Maharachch. & K.D.Hyde
  438. Phyllachorales
  439. Phyllotopsidaceae Locq. ex Olariaga, Huhtinen, Læssøe, J.H.Petersen & K.Hansen
  440. Phyllotopsidineae Zhu L.Yang & G.S.Wang
  441. Physalacriaceae
  442. Physisporinus P.Karst.
  443. Physodermataceae Sparrow
  444. Physodermatales Caval.-Sm.
  445. Pleosporomycetidae C.L.Schoch, Spatafora, Crous & Shoemaker
  446. Pleuroflammula Singer
  447. Pleurotaceae Kühner
  448. Pleurotineae Aime, Dentinger & Gaya
  449. Plicaturopsis D.A.Reid
  450. Pluteaceae
  451. Pluteineae Aime, Dentinger & Gaya
  452. Podoscypha Pat.
  453. Podoscyphaceae D.A.Reid
  454. Polychytriaceae Doweld
  455. Polychytriales Longcore & D.R.Simmons
  456. Polyporaceae Fr. ex Corda
  457. Porogramme (Pat.) Pat.
  458. Porotheleaceae
  459. Porpolomopsis Bresinsky
  460. Postia Fr.
  461. Postiaceae B.K.Cui, Shun Liu & Y.C.Dai
  462. Pottera Y.P.Tan & Bishop-Hurley
  463. Powellomyces Longcore, D.J.S.Barr & Désauln.
  464. Powellomycetaceae D.R.Simmons
  465. Protophallaceae Zeller
  466. Protubera Möller
  467. Psathyrellaceae
  468. Pseudoclitocybaceae Vizzini, Cons., P.-A.Moreau & P.Alvorado
  469. Pseudoclitocybe (Singer) Singer
  470. Pseudocolus Lloyd
  471. Pseudocraterellus Corner
  472. Pseudodactylariales Crous
  473. Pseudoidriella Crous & R.G.Shivas
  474. Pseudolyophyllum (Singer) Raithelh.
  475. Pseudomicrostroma Kijporn. & Aime
  476. Pseudosporidesmiaceae Crous
  477. Psilocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm.
  478. Pterulaceae Corner
  479. Pucciniaceae
  480. Pucciniosiraceae Cummins & Y.Hirats.
  481. Pulvinula Boud.
  482. Pulvinulaceae Ekanayaka, K.D.Hyde, Q.Zhao & E.B.G.Jones
  483. Punctularia Pat.
  484. Punctulariaceae Donk
  485. Pycnoporellaceae Audet
  486. Pyropyxidaceae M.Zeng, Q.Zhao & K.D.Hyde
  487. Pyrrhoglossum Singer
  488. Rachicladosporium Crous, U.Braun & C.F.Hill
  489. Radulodon Ryvarden
  490. Radulomyces M.P.Christ.
  491. Radulomycetaceae Leal-Dutra, Dentinger & G.W.Griff.
  492. Ramichloridium Stahel ex de Hoog
  493. Ramopenidiella Crous & R.G.Shivas
  494. Raveneliaceae
  495. Rectipilus Agerer
  496. Resiniciaceae L.W.Zhou & Xue W.Wang
  497. Resinicium Parmasto
  498. Resupinataceae Jülich
  499. Resupinatus Nees ex Gray
  500. Rhizidium A.Braun
  501. Rhizomucor Costantin & Lucet
  502. Rhizomucoraceae H.Zhao, Y.C.Dai, B.K.Cui, F.Wu, Yuan Yuan & X.Y.Liu
  503. Rhizophlyctidales Letcher
  504. Rhizophydiales Letcher
  505. Rhodocollybia Singer
  506. Rhodotorula F.C.Harrison
  507. Rickenella Raithelh.
  508. Rickenellaceae Vizzini
  509. Rigidoporaceae Jülich
  510. Rigidoporus Murrill
  511. Robillarda Sacc.
  512. Roussoella Sacc.
  513. Roussoellaceae J.K.Liu, Phookamsak, D.Q.Dai & K.D.Hyde
  514. Ryvardenia Rajchenb.
  515. Saitozyma Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  516. Sanguinoderma Y.F.Sun, D.H.Costa & B.K.Cui
  517. Sarcomyxaceae Olariaga, Huhtinen, Læssøe, J.H.Petersen & K.Hansen
  518. Savoryellaceae Jaklitsch & Réblová
  519. Savoryellales Boonyuen, Suetrong, Sivichai, K.L.Pang & E.B.G.Jones
  520. Savoryellomycetidae Hongsanan, K.D.Hyde & Maharachch.
  521. Schizophyllaceae Quél.
  522. Sclerococcomycetidae Réblová, Unter. & W.Gams
  523. Scutellospora C.Walker & F.E.Sanders
  524. Scutellosporaceae Sieverd., F.A.Souza & Oehl
  525. Scytinostroma Donk
  526. Septochytriaceae Mozl.-Standr.
  527. Septosperma Whiffen ex R.L.Seym.
  528. Serendipitaceae M.Weiss, F.Waller, Zuccaro & Selosse
  529. Sidera Miettinen & K.H.Larss.
  530. Sideraceae L.W.Zhou & Xue W.Wang
  531. Simocybe P.Karst.
  532. Sirastachys L.Lombard & Crous
  533. Skeletocutis Kotl. & Pouzar
  534. Skierka Racib.
  535. Skierkaceae Aime & McTaggart
  536. Smardaea Svrček
  537. Solosympodiella Matsush.
  538. Sonderhenia H.J.Swart & J.Walker
  539. Sordariomycetidae
  540. Sphaerobolaceae J.Schröt.
  541. Sphaerobolus Tode
  542. Sphaerodes Clem.
  543. Sphaeromonadaceae Doweld
  544. Sphaeromonas E.Liebet.
  545. Sphaerophragmiaceae Cummins & Y.Hirats.
  546. Sphaerophragmium Magnus
  547. Sphaerosoma Klotzsch
  548. Spizellomycetales
  549. Spongipellis Pat.
  550. Sporidiobolaceae R.T.Moore
  551. Sporidiobolales Doweld
  552. Sporobolomyces Kluyver & C.B.Niel
  553. Sporocadaceae Corda
  554. Squamanitaceae Jülich
  555. Stachybotriaceae L.Lombard & Crous
  556. Stachybotrys Corda
  557. Stagonospora (Sacc.) Sacc.
  558. Steccherinaceae Parmasto
  559. Steccherinum Gray
  560. Stenella Syd.
  561. Stephanosporaceae
  562. Stereopsidaceae Sjökvist, E.Larss., B.E.Pfeil & K.H.Larss.
  563. Stereopsidales Sjökvist, E.Larss., B.E.Pfeil & K.H.Larss.
  564. Stereopsis D.A.Reid
  565. Strophariaceae
  566. Suillus P.Micheli ex Adans.
  567. Superstratomyces van Nieuwenh., Miądl. & Samson
  568. Superstratomycetaceae van Nieuwenh., Miądl., Houbraken, Adan, Lutzoni & Samson
  569. Superstratomycetales van Nieuwenh., Miądl., Houbraken, Adan, Lutzoni & Samson
  570. Sutorius Halling, Nuhn & N.A.Fechner
  571. Symmetrospora Q.M.Wang, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  572. Symmetrosporaceae Q.M.Wang, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  573. Synchytriaceae J.Schröt.
  574. Synchytriales Doweld
  575. Syzygospora G.W.Martin
  576. Taeniolella S.Hughes
  577. Tarzetta (Cooke) Lambotte
  578. Tarzettaceae Ekanayaka, K.D.Hyde, Q.Zhao & E.B.G.Jones
  579. Tectella Earle
  580. Tetrapyrgos E.Horak
  581. Theleporus Fr.
  582. Thraustochytriales Sparrow
  583. Thyridiaceae J.Z.Yue & O.E.Erikss.
  584. Thyridiales R.Sugita & Kaz.Tanaka
  585. Thyridium Nitschke
  586. Thyrinula Petr. & Syd.
  587. Thyrinulaceae X.Y.Zeng, Hongsanan & K.D.Hyde
  588. Tracyllalales Crous
  589. Trametopsis Tomšovský
  590. Tranzschelia Arthur
  591. Tranzscheliaceae Aime & McTaggart
  592. Trematosphaeria Fuckel
  593. Trematosphaeriaceae K.D.Hyde, Y.Zhang ter, Suetrong & E.B.G.Jones
  594. Tremellodendropsidaceae Vizzini
  595. Tremellodendropsidales Vizzini
  596. Tremellodendropsis (Corner) D.A.Crawford
  597. Trichaptaceae Y.C.Dai, Yuan Yuan & Meng Zhou
  598. Trichaptum Murrill
  599. Trichobolus (Sacc.) Kimbr. & Cain
  600. Tricholomataceae
  601. Tricholomatineae Aime, Dentinger & Gaya
  602. Tricholomopsis Singer
  603. Trichosporonaceae
  604. Trichosporonales Boekhout & Fell
  605. Trimorphomycetaceae Xin Zhan Liu, F.Y.Bai, M.Groenew. & Boekhout
  606. Triseptata Boonmee & Phookamsak
  607. Trogia Fr.
  608. Tubaria (W.G.Sm.) Gillet
  609. Tubariaceae Vizzini
  610. Tubeufiaceae
  611. Tubeufiales Boonmee & K.D.Hyde
  612. Tubulicrinacaea Jülich
  613. Tubulicrinis Donk
  614. Tylosporaceae Jülich
  615. Typhulaceae
  616. Typhulineae Vizzini, Cons. & P.Alvarado
  617. Tyromyces P.Karst.
  618. Uromycladiaceae P.Zhao & L.Cai
  619. Uromycladium McAlpine
  620. Uropyxidaceae Cummins & Y.Hirats.
  621. Vanrija R.T.Moore
  622. Vararia P.Karst.
  623. Venturiaceae E.Müll. & Arx ex M.E.Barr
  624. Venturiales Y.Zhang ter, C.L.Schoch, J.Fourn., Crous & K.D.Hyde
  625. Vermiculariopsiella Bender
  626. Vermiculariopsiellaceae Hern.-Restr., J.Mena, Gené & Crous
  627. Vermiculariopsiellales Hern.-Restr., J.Mena, Gené & Crous
  628. Vermiculariopsis Torrend
  629. Volvariella Speg.
  630. Volvariellaceae Vizzini, Cons. & P.Alvarado
  631. Vuilleminia Maire
  632. Vuilleminiaceae Maire ex Lotsy
  633. Walkaminomyces Crous & Carnegie
  634. Wallemiaceae R.T.Moore
  635. Wallemiomycetes Zalar, de Hoog & Schroers
  636. Wongia Khemmuk, Geering & R.G.Shivas
  637. Xenasmataceae
  638. Xenasmatellaceae L.W.Zhou & S.L.Liu
  639. Xenasmatellales L.W.Zhou & S.L.Liu
  640. Xeromphalina Kühner & Maire
  641. Xeromphalinaceae Vizzini, Cons. & P.Alvarado
  642. Xerotus Fr.
  643. Xylariomycetidae
  644. Xylobotryaceae Voglmayr & Jaklitsch
  645. Xylobotryales Voglmayr & Jaklitsch
  646. Xylobotryum Pat.
  647. Zaghouania Pat.
  648. Zaghouaniaceae P.Syd. & Syd.
  649. Zoopagales Bessey ex R.K.Benj.
  650. Zygnemomyces K.Miura

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