A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon.
You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Boletus betulinus Bull. Boletus pinicola Sw. Fomes ferreus Cooke Fomitopsis betulina ( Bull.) B.K.Cui, M.L.Han & Y.C.Dai Fomitopsis carnea ( Blume & T.Nees) Imazeki Fomitopsis concentrica ( G.Cunn.) M.D.Barrett Fomitopsis cupreorosea ( Berk.) J.Carranza & Gilb. Fomitopsis dochmia ( Berk. & Broome) Ryvarden Fomitopsis eucalypti ( Kalchbr.) Spirin Fomitopsis ferrea ( Cooke) Spirin & Viner Fomitopsis foedata ( Berk.) Spirin & Miettinen Fomitopsis hartmannii ( Cooke) M.D.Barrett Fomitopsis lilacinogilva ( Berk.) J.E.Wright & J.R.Deschamps Fomitopsis maculatissima ( Lloyd) Spirin Fomitopsis nivosa ( Berk.) Gilb. & Ryvarden Fomitopsis ostreiformis ( Berk.) T.Hatt. Fomitopsis pinicola ( Sw.) P.Karst. Fomitopsis sclerotina ( Rodway) M.D.Barrett & Spirin Fomitopsis sp. "Darwin (M.D. Barrett F17/09)" Fomitopsis spraguei ( Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden Fomitopsis tumulosa ( Cooke) M.D.Barrett & Spirin Gloeophyllum concentricum G.Cunn. Neofomitella hemitephra ( Berk.) M.D.Barrett Piptoporus betulinus ( Bull.) P.Karst. Polyporus carneus Blume & T.Nees Polyporus cupreoroseus Berk. Polyporus dochmius Berk. & Broome Polyporus eucalypti Kalchbr. Polyporus foedatus Berk. Polyporus hartmannii Cooke Polyporus hemitephrus Berk. Polyporus lilacinogilvus Berk. Polyporus maculatissimus Lloyd Polyporus ostreiformis Berk. Polyporus portentosus Berk. Polyporus sclerotinus Rodway Polyporus spraguei Berk. & M.A.Curtis Polyporus tumulosus Cooke
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- Note you can access JSON and XML versions of this object by setting the correct mime type in the ACCEPTS header of your HTTP request or by appending ".json" or ".xml" to the end of the URL.
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- These are all the non deprecated permalinks to this object. The link with a is the preferred link.
- Deprecated (old, no longer used) links will not appear here, but will still resolve. You will get a 301, moved permanently, redirect if you use a deprecated link.
- You may link to this resource with any of the specific links, but we would prefer you used the preferred link as this makes later comparisons of linked resources easier.