
A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Lebel, T. (10 November 2017), Nomenclatural changes and corrections for some previously described Australasian truffle-like fungi (Basidiomycetes). Muelleria 36 : 8-14 DOI (Paper) Lebel, T. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Agaricus colpeteorum T.Lebel
  2. Arcangeliella seminuda (Massee & Rodway) Zeller & C.W.Dodge
  3. Cribbea A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
  4. Cribbea gloriosa (D.A.Reid) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
  5. Cribbea lamellata (J.W.Cribb) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
  6. Cribbea reticulata (J.W.Cribb) A.H.Sm. & D.A.Reid
  7. Cribbea turbinospora P.S.Catches. & T.Lebel
  8. Cystangium balpineum Grgur.
  9. Cystangium bisporum T.Lebel
  10. Cystangium clavatum T.Lebel
  11. Cystangium flavovirens T.Lebel
  12. Cystangium luteobrunneum T.Lebel
  13. Cystangium macrocystidium T.Lebel
  14. Cystangium megasporum (Rodway) T.Lebel & Castellano
  15. Cystangium phymatodisporum G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young
  16. Cystangium pisiglareum T.Lebel
  17. Cystangium polychromum Trappe & Claridge
  18. Cystangium rodwayi (Massee) A.H.Sm.
  19. Cystangium seminudum (Massee & Rodway) T.Lebel & Castellano
  20. Cystangium sessile (Massee & Rodway) Singer & A.H.Sm.
  21. Cystangium shultziae T.Lebel
  22. Cystangium sparsum T.Lebel
  23. Cystangium theodoroui T.Lebel
  24. Cystangium trappei T.Lebel
  25. Cystangium xanthocarpum T.Lebel
  26. Elasmomyces rodwayi (Massee) Zeller
  27. Elasmomyces sessilis (Massee & Rodway) Rodway
  28. Gymnomyces boranupensis T.Lebel
  29. Gymnomyces clelandii T.Lebel
  30. Gymnomyces costatisporus T.Lebel
  31. Gymnomyces eburneus T.Lebel
  32. Gymnomyces eildonensis G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young
  33. Gymnomyces furcatispinus T.Lebel
  34. Gymnomyces glarea T.Lebel
  35. Gymnomyces longisporus T.Lebel
  36. Gymnomyces megasporus Rodway
  37. Gymnomyces pallidus Massee & Rodway
  38. Gymnomyces pterospermus T.Lebel
  39. Gymnomyces redolens (G.Cunn.) Pfister
  40. Gymnomyces rodwayi T.Lebel
  41. Gymnomyces seminudus Massee & Rodway
  42. Gymnomyces westresii T.Lebel
  43. Gymnomyces wirrabarensis Grgur.
  44. Martellia redolens (G.Cunn.) G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young
  45. Octaviania megaspora (Rodway) G.Cunn.
  46. Octaviania pallida (Massee & Rodway) G.Cunn.
  47. Octaviania redolens G.Cunn.
  48. Octaviania seminuda (Massee & Rodway) G.Cunn.
  49. Oudemansiella gloriosa (D.A.Reid) T.Lebel & T.W.May
  50. Oudemansiella reticulata (J.W.Cribb) T.Lebel & T.W.May
  51. Oudemansiella turbinispora (P.S.Catches. & T.Lebel) T.Lebel & T.W.May
  52. Russula aurantirosea T.Lebel
  53. Russula balpinea (Grgur.) T.Lebel
  54. Russula bispora (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  55. Russula boranupensis (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  56. Russula clavata (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  57. Russula collubrina T.Lebel
  58. Russula costatispora (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  59. Russula eburnea (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  60. Russula eildonensis (G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young) T.Lebel
  61. Russula furcatispina (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  62. Russula glarea (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  63. Russula leonardii T.Lebel
  64. Russula longispora (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  65. Russula luteobrunnea (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  66. Russula macrocystidia (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  67. Russula megaspora (Rodway) T.Lebel
  68. Russula olivaceoflava T.Lebel
  69. Russula osphranticarpa T.Lebel
  70. Russula paneeroides T.Lebel
  71. Russula phymatodispora (G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young) T.Lebel
  72. Russula pisiglarea (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  73. Russula pterosperma (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  74. Russula rodwayi (Massee) T.Lebel
  75. Russula seminuda (Massee & Rodway) T.Lebel
  76. Russula sessilis (Massee & Rodway) T.Lebel
  77. Russula shultziae (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  78. Russula sparsa (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  79. Russula theodoroui (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  80. Russula trappei (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  81. Russula westresii (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  82. Russula wirrabarensis (Grgur.) T.Lebel
  83. Russula xanthocarpa (T.Lebel) T.Lebel
  84. Secotium gloriosum D.A.Reid
  85. Secotium lamellatum J.W.Cribb
  86. Secotium reticulatum J.W.Cribb
  87. Secotium rodwayi Massee
  88. Secotium sessile Massee & Rodway
  89. Stephanospora hystrispora T.Lebel & Castellano

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