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Berkeley, M.J. & Broome, C.E. (1883), List of fungi from Brisbane, Queensland; with descriptions of new species. Part II. Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London 2 : 53-73 (Paper) Berkeley, M.J. & Broome, C.E. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Agaricus baileyi Berk. & Broome
  2. Agaricus baileyi Berk. & Broome
  3. Agaricus semiliber Berk. & Broome
  4. Agaricus sordulentus Berk. & Broome
  5. Agaricus versipes Berk. & Broome
  6. Ascobolus baileyi Berk. & Broome
  7. Boletus haedinus Berk. & Broome
  8. Cladosporium papyricola Berk. & Broome
  9. Clavaria portentosa Berk. & Broome
  10. Corticium bambusicola Berk. & Broome
  11. Dacrymyces sacchari Berk. & Broome
  12. Daedalea incompta Berk.
  13. Daedalea scalaris Berk. & Broome
  14. Dictyophora multicolor Berk. & Broome
  15. Gloeosporium cucurbitarum Berk. & Broome
  16. Hydnangium australiense Berk. & Broome
  17. Hydnum merulioides Berk. & Broome
  18. Hygrophorus porphyrius Berk. & Broome
  19. Hypoxylon concentricum var. minus Berk. & Broome
  20. Illosporium flavellum Berk. & Broome
  21. Lentinus catervarius Berk. & Broome
  22. Lentinus exasperatus Berk. & Broome
  23. Lentinus punctaticeps Berk. & Broome
  24. Melampsora nesodaphnes Berk. & Broome
  25. Melampsora phyllodiorum Berk. & Broome
  26. Merulius baileyi Berk. & Broome
  27. Merulius tenuissimus Berk. & Broome
  28. Panus incandescens Berk. & Broome
  29. Panus suborbicularis Berk. & Broome
  30. Panus viscidulus Berk. & Broome
  31. Peziza coprogena Berk. & Broome
  32. Phallus calyptratus Berk. & Broome
  33. Phallus quadricolor Berk. & Broome
  34. Phillipsia subpurpurea Berk. & Broome
  35. Polyporus contrarius Berk. & M.A.Curtis
  36. Polyporus dorcadideus Berk. & Broome
  37. Polyporus elongatus var. stipitatus Berk. & Broome
  38. Polyporus eriophorus Berk. & Broome
  39. Polyporus gallopavonis Berk. & Broome ex Cooke
  40. Polyporus guilfoylei Berk. & Broome
  41. Polyporus lineatoscaber Berk. & Broome
  42. Polyporus luteo-olivaceus var. tenuis Berk. & Broome
  43. Polyporus ochroflavus (Cooke) Berk. & Broome
  44. Polyporus testudo Berk. & Broome
  45. Sistotrema irpicinum Berk. & Broome
  46. Sphaeria polyscia Berk. & Broome
  47. Sphaeropsis tricorynes Berk. & Broome
  48. Stereum radiatofissum Berk. & Broome
  49. Stereum simulans Berk. & Broome
  50. Stereum spongiipes Berk.
  51. Thelephora spongiipes (Berk.) Berk. & Broome
  52. Tilletia epiphylla Berk. & Broome
  53. Trametes ochroflava Cooke
  54. Trametes rigida var. tenuis Berk. & Broome
  55. Xerotus albidus Berk. & Broome
  56. Xerotus proximus Berk. & Broome

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