The Fungi Names Project will build on the existing Interactive Catalogue of Australian Fungi (ICAF) housed at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, to produce a list of all names applied to Australian fungi, arranged under the currently accepted name. For this project, 'fungi' includes both the true fungi and fungoid organisms in the Protista and Chromista. The fungi list will be the first compilation of the known fungi from Australia for more than 60 years, and is expected to include the names of around 8,000 accepted species of non-lichenised fungi.
Showing Uredo rangelii
Type: "Holotypus hic designatus: in foliis Myrtus communis, Buenos Aires, Acasuso, 12.x.1970, A. Burkart, DAR 31011. ... Argentina, on Myrtus communis, Buenos Aires, Acasuso, 12.x.1970, A. Burkart, DAR31011 (duplicate of LPS35800) holotype."
Etymology: "Named after Eugenio Rangel a notable Brazilian plant pathologist with an active interest in rust pathogens of Myrtaceae."
Text: [p. 1] "Its [Uredo rangelii] status as a species distinct from U. psidii is based on the presence of a tonsure on the urediniospores and subtle differences in size, shape and wall thickness of the urediniospore. However, molecular phylogenetic and morphological analyses of further collections should be pursued to support the morphological distinction." [p. 7] in discussion of a diagnostic text for Puccinia psidii there is reference to the "morphologically similar species, Uredo rangelii". -
Comment: Uredo rangelii is listed in Table 1 as one of the "Synonyms of Puccinia psidii or its anamorph Uredo psidii" but in the text discussed as "morphologically similar".
Text: DNA sequence from Australian collection [GenBank gives "DAR80678"]: GenBank: HM448900 (ITS).