
The author of a name or a reference referred to by instances.
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E.Horak Name author Horak, E. Reference author
Full name (discriminator):
Horak, Egon
Author for:
108 names
Base author for:
23 names
33 References:
  1. Horak, E. (1964), Fungi Austroamericani II. Pluteus Fr. Nova Hedwigia 8
  2. Horak, E. (1968), Synopsis generum Agaricalium. Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 13
  3. Horak, E. (1971), Studies on the genus Descolea Sing. Persoonia 6 (2)
  4. Horak, E. (1971), Contributions to the knowledge of the Agaricales s.l. (Fungi) of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9
  5. Horak, E. (1971), A contribution towards the revision of the Agaricales (Fungi) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9 (3)
  6. Horak, E. (1973), Fungi agaricini Novaezelandiae I-V. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 43
  7. Horak, E. (1976), Neue zairische Arten der Gattung Pluteus. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique 47 (1-2)
  8. Horak, E. (1977), Further additions towards a monograph of Phaeocollybia. Sydowia 29 (1-6)
  9. Horak, E. (1977), Fungi agaricini Novaezelandiae VI. Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. and Astrosporina Schroeter. New Zealand Journal of Botany 15 (4)
  10. Horak, E. (1977), Crepidotus episphaeria and related species from the southern hemisphere. Berichte der Schweizerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 87
  11. Horak, E. (1978), Notes on Rhodocybe Maire. Sydowia 31 (1-6)
  12. Horak, E. (1978), Pleuroflammula. Persoonia 9 (4)
  13. Horak, E. (1979), Xeromphalina and Heimiomyces in Indomalaya and Australasia. Sydowia 32 (1-6)
  14. Horak, E. (1979), Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae.7. Rhodocybe Maire. New Zealand Journal of Botany 17 (3)
  15. Horak, E. (1979), Additional species of Simocybe (Agaricales) from Sabah and Australia. Sydowia 32 (1-6)
  16. Horak, E. (1980), Supplementary remarks to Austroboletus (Corner) Wolfe (Boletaceae). Sydowia 33
  17. Horak, E. (1980), Fungi agaricini Novaezelandiae X. Simocybe Karsten. New Zealand Journal of Botany 18
  18. Horak, E. (1980), Entoloma (Agaricales) in Indomalaya and Australasia. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 65
  19. Horak, E. (1980), Fungi, Basidiomycetes. Agaricales y Gasteromycetes secotioides. Flora Criptogámica de Tierra del Fuego 11 (6)
  20. Horak, E. (1980), Inocybe (Agaricales) in Indomalaya and Australasia. Persoonia 11
  21. Horak, E. (1980), Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae.8. Phaeomarasmius Scherffel and Flammulaster Earle. New Zealand Journal of Botany 18
  22. Horak, E. (1981), Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae.11. Rozites Karsten. New Zealand Journal of Botany 19
  23. Horak, E. (1981), Notes on taxonomy and biogeography of Rozites Karsten. Sydowia 34
  24. Horak, E. (1983), Mycogeography in the South Pacific region: Agaricales, Boletales. Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series 10
  25. Horak, E. (1983), Neufunde und Bemerkungen zu einem emendierten Gattungskonzept von Pterospora Métrod (Agaricales). Sydowia 36
  26. Horak, E. (1987), Tetrapyrgos Horak. (nom. et gen. nov.) replacing Pterospora Métrod (1949: nom. preocc.). Sydowia 39
  27. Horak, E. (1988), New species of Dermocybe (Agaricales) from New Zealand. Sydowia 40
  28. Horak, E. (1988), On some extraordinary species of Galerina Earle from New Zealand, Australia and Indonesia, with annotations to related South American taxa. Sydowia 40
  29. Horak, E. (1990), Monograph of the New Zealand Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). New Zealand Journal of Botany 28
  30. Horak, E. (1999), New genera of Agaricales (Basidiomycota). I. Rapacea gen. nov. Kew Bulletin 54 (3)
  31. Horak, E. (2004), Heimioporus E. Horak gen. nov. - replacing Heimiella Boedijn (1951, syn. post., Boletales, Basidiomycota). Sydowia 56
  32. Horak, E. (2005), Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze in Europa
  33. Horak, E. (2008), Agaricales of New Zealand 1: Pluteaceae - Entolomataceae

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