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The author of a name or a reference referred to by instances.
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- Full name (discriminator):
- McAlpine, Daniel
- IPNI id
- Author for:
- 350 names
- Base author for:
- 75 names
- Ex author for:
- 2 names
- Ex base author for:
- 1 names 37 References:
McAlpine, D. (September 1895) ,Entomogenous Fungi. Victorian Naturalist 12(6) McAlpine, D. (1899) ,Two Mallee Fungi. Victorian Naturalist 16 McAlpine, D. (July 1896) ,A fungus on a beetle. Victorian Naturalist 13(4) McAlpine, D. (1896) ,Two additions to the Fungi of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21 McAlpine, D. (1899) ,A new parasitic agaric. Victorian Naturalist 16 McAlpine, D. (1901) ,The first recorded fungus-parasite on Epacris. Victorian Naturalist 17 McAlpine, D. (1895) ,Australian fungi. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 6 McAlpine, D. (1895) ,Australian fungi. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 6 McAlpine, D. (1895) ,Australian fungi. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 7 McAlpine, D. (1895) ,Systematic Arrangement of Australian Fungi McAlpine, D. (1895) ,Australian fungi. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 7 McAlpine, D. (1895) ,Syst. Arr. Austral. Fungi McAlpine, D. (1896) ,Descriptions of new Australian fungi. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21 McAlpine, D. (1896) ,Australian fungi. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 7 (3) McAlpine, D. (1896) ,Australian fungi. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 7 McAlpine, D. (1896) ,Australian fungi. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 7 McAlpine, D. (1897) ,New South Wales fungi. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 22 McAlpine, D. (1898) ,The fungi on the wheat-plant in Australia. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 9 McAlpine, D. (1898) ,New South Wales fungi. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 22 McAlpine, D. (1898) ,Add. fungi vine Australia McAlpine, D. (1898) ,Additions to the fungi of the vine in Australia McAlpine, D. (1899) ,Fungus diseases of Citrus trees in Australia, and their Treatment McAlpine, D. (1899) ,On a micro-fungus from Mount Kosciusko; and on the first record of Uncinula in Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 24 McAlpine, D. (1901) ,The "Shot-hole" fungi of stone-fruit trees in Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 26 McAlpine, D. (1902) ,Australian fungi, new or unrecorded. Decades I.-II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 27 McAlpine, D. (1902) ,Fungus diseases of stone-fruit trees in Australia and their treatment McAlpine, D. (1903) ,Australian fungi, new or unrecorded. Decades V.-VII. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 28 McAlpine, D. (1903) ,The micro-fungi of Australian Lobelias. Victorian Naturalist 19 McAlpine, D. (1903) ,Australian fungi, new or unrecorded. Decades III.-IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 28 McAlpine, D. (1904) ,Victorian Naturalist 20 20 McAlpine, D. (1904) ,Australian fungi, new or unrecorded. Decades VII.-VIII. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 29 McAlpine, D. (1905) ,A new genus of Uredineae - Uromycladium. Annales Mycologici 3 (4) McAlpine, D. (1906) ,A new hymenomycete - the so-called Isaria fuciformis Berk. Annales Mycologici 4 (6) McAlpine, D. (1906) ,A new Aecidium on Acacia. Annales Mycologici 4 (4) McAlpine, D. (1906) ,The Rusts of Australia, their Structure, Nature and Classification McAlpine, D. (1910) ,The Smuts of Australia. Their Structure, Life History, Treatment and Classification McAlpine, D. (1911) ,A new smut in a new genus of grass. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 36 (1)
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