Austroporia stratosa (J.E.Wright & J.R.Deschamps) B.K.Cui & Shun Liu , legitimate, scientific
Liu, S., Chen, Y.‑Y., Sun, Y.‑F. et al. (17 September 2022), Systematic classification and phylogenetic relationships of the brown‑rot fungi within the Polyporales. Fungal Diversity 118: 38 [comb. nov.]
  • Text: identifier: MB 840314
  • Comment: Basionym listed as "Amyloporia stratosa (J.E. Wright & J.R. Deschamps) Rajchenb., Gorjón & Pildain, Australian Systematic Botany 24: 118, 2011." However this is a new combination name so cannot be a basionym. Correct basionym is "Poria stratosa J.E. Wright & J.R. Deschamps"