Sporocadaceae Corda
Allelochaeta neocylindrospora Crous , legitimate, scientific
Crous, P.W., Liu, F., Cai, L. et al. (December 2018), Allelochaeta (Sporocadaceae): pigmentation lost and gained. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 2: 292, fig. 19 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Material examined: Australia, South Australia, Kangaroo Island, Ravine des Casours Walk, on E. rugosa, Dec. 2011, W. Quaedvlieg (holotype CBS H 23447, culture ex-type CPC 20115 = CBS 144176)."
  • Text: DNA sequences: from culture ex-holotype: GenBank MH822991.1 (ITS), MH823040.1 (LSU), MH823086.1 (rpb2), MH823133.1 (tef1), MH823177.1 (tub2).
  • Text: identifier: MB 827154
  • Etymology: "Name reflects a morphological similarity to A. cylindrospora."
Crous, P.W., Wingfield, M.J., Cheewangkoon, R., Carnegie, A.J., Burgess, T.I., Summerell, B.A., Edwards, J., Taylor, P.W.K. & Groenewald, J.Z. (8 August 2019), Foliar pathogens of eucalypts. Studies in Mycology 94: 132 [secondary reference]
AusFungi (2023), AusFungi: - FungI [secondary reference]