Sanguinoderma Y.F.Sun, D.H.Costa & B.K.Cui , legitimate, scientific
Sun, Y.-F., Costa-Rezende, D.H., Xing, J.-H., Zhou, J.-L., Zhang, B., Gibertoni, T.B., Gates, G., Glen, M., Dai, Y.-C. & Cui, B.-K. (4 May 2020), Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae). Persoonia 44: 224 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Type species. Sanguinoderma rude (Berk.) Y.F. Sun, D.H. Costa & B.K. Cui."
  • Text: identifier: MB 828433
  • Etymology: "Sanguinoderma (Lat.), refers to the genus producing AmauĀ­roderma-like basidiomata but with a fresh pore surface that changes to blood red when bruised."