Hypocreopsis amplectens T.W.May & P.R.Johnst.
, legitimate, scientific
[Johnston, P.R., May, T.W., Park, D. & Horak, E. (20 December 2007), Hypocreopsis amplectens sp. nov., a rare fungus from New Zealand and Australia. New Zealand Journal of Botany 45]:
715, fig. 1.
[tax. nov.]
"HOLOTYPUS: Australia, Victoria, Gippsland Plain, near Nyora, c. 2 km NW of Mosquito hill, overgrowing Hymenochaete fruit-bodies on dead wood of Leptospermum myrsinoides and Banksia marginata, T.W. May 861 & J. Eichler, 3 Jul 1992, MEL2015353."
DNA sequences: from paratype collection from Australia (MEL 2032949), GenBank EU073199 (ITS); from paratype collection from New Zealand (PDD 91747), GenBank EU073198 (ITS).
"Refers to the distinctive grasping, finger-like lobes of the stroma on narrow-diameter twigs."