Amanita 'persicina’ sensu Bas (PERTH 7575386) , [n/a], phrase name
Davison, E.M., McGurk, L.E., Bougher, N.L., Syme, K. & Watkin, E.L.J. (2013), Amanita lesueurii and A. wadjukiorum (Basidiomycota), two new species from Western Australia, and an expanded description of A. fibrillopes. Nuytsia 23: 604 [primary reference]
  • Comment: " In 1975 R.N. Hilton (University of Western Australia) sent herbarium material of a salmon/ cinnamon coloured Amanita (not seen by us) from the south-west of Western Australia to Bas at Leiden. Part of this collection (PERTH 7575386) was retained in Western Australia. Bas responded (letter dated 8 March 1976) that he believed it to be a new species, suggesting the informal name Amanita ‘persicina’ ined. to reflect its colour. It had amyloid spores, and Bas placed it in subg. Lepidella sect. Amidella E.-J.Gilbert. ... . Amanita ‘persicina’ sensu Bas (PERTH 7575386) awaits description."
  • Comment: "The name Amanita sp. ‘persicina’ has however also been used in Western Australia for pink- or peach-coloured amanitas with inamyloid spores which are placed in subg. Amanita (Bougher 2009). Thus the name has been used for two species with similar colouration but different microanatomy (R.E. Tulloss pers. comm.)."