Cortinarius lilacinofulvus Cleland , legitimate, scientific
Cleland, J.B. (1933), Australian fungi: notes and descriptions. - No. 9. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia 57: 190 BHL [tax. nov.]
  • Text: "[Australia] S.A. [South Australia] — Stirling West, Mount Lofty."
Grgurinovic, C.A. (1997), Larger Fungi of South Australia: 159, Fig. 90 [secondary reference]
  • Type: "[Australia] SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Mt Lofty, 28.vii.1928, AD 4217 (lectotype, here designated)."
  • Text: "[For] The other syntype of C. lilacino-fulvus from Stirling West (see Cortinarius kilpanius) ...".
AusFungi (2019), AusFungi 21 Jan. 2019: - AFL [secondary reference]