Cortinarius ianthinus Cleland & J.R.Harris , legitimate, scientific
Cleland, J.B. & Harris, J.R. (1948), Illustrations and descriptions of South Australian fungi. I. Agaricus and Cortinarius with special reference to antibiotic species. Records of the South Australian Museum 9: 51 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "[Australia, South Australia] Morialta, Myponga, Waterfall Gully; May, June, July."
Grgurinovic, C.A. (1997), Larger Fungi of South Australia: 10a, fig. 83. [secondary reference]
  • Type: "[Australia] SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Myponga,, AD 4208, Mr Cooper, Gwen Walsh watercolour (lectotype, here designated)."
  • Text: "Only two of the syntypes of this species could be located at AD. The collection from Morialta (AD 4207) proved to have elongate ellipsoid spores ... which are smaller than the size quoted in the protologue ... .The collection chosen as the lectotype has spore measurements in close agreement with those in the protologue."
AusFungi (2019), AusFungi 21 Jan. 2019: - AFL [secondary reference]