Cortinarius clelandii A.H.Sm.
, legitimate, scientific
[Smith, A.H. (1944), New and interesting Cortinarii from North America. Lloydia 7 (3)]:
[nom. nov.]
replaced synonym:
Cortinarius subcinnamomeus Cleland
nom. illeg.
[Ammirati, J.F. (1975), Cortinarius, sect. Dermocybe — Cortinarius clelandii. Mycotaxon 3]:
98, figs 1-5
[secondary reference]
"collection ADW 15118 is selected as the lectotype for C. clelandii Smith (synonym: C. subcinnamomeus Cleland ...)"
"Collection ADW 15119 ... contained two elements ... two basidiocarps were totally unrelated ... These were separated ... and designated as ADW 15119a. ... Collection BPI 70684 ... [is] microscopically similar to collections ADW 15118a [a discordant element separated out from ADW 15118] and ADW 15119 and ... ADW 15118a, ADW 15119, and BPI 70684 significantly differ from the lectotype (ADW 15118)."
[Grgurinovic, C.A. (1997), Larger Fungi of South Australia]:
basionym of:
Dermocybe clelandii (A.H.Sm.) Grgur.
[AusFungi (2019), AusFungi 21 Jan. 2019]:
[secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym:
Dermocybe clelandii (A.H.Sm.) Grgur.
taxonomic synonym:
Cortinarius subcinnamomeus Cleland
nom. illeg.