Cortinarius cinnamomeobadius Cleland & J.R.Harris , nom. illeg., scientific
Cleland, J.B. & Harris, J.R. (1948), Illustrations and descriptions of South Australian fungi. I. Agaricus and Cortinarius with special reference to antibiotic species. Records of the South Australian Museum 9: 51 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "[Australia, South Australia] Stonyfell, near Adelaide; July."
Grgurinovic, C.A. (1997), Larger Fungi of South Australia: 149, Pl. 12c [secondary reference]
  • Text: "Cleland and Harris's only collection of this species could not be located at AD."
AusFungi (2019), AusFungi 21 Jan. 2019: - AFL [secondary reference]